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FirstYear Representative:
Second Year Representative:
Srushti Nadkarni
Third Year Representative:
Jonathan Munian

Hello! My name is Srushti Nadkarni and I am in the second year of ICON.  It is my first year in the course 

union. I joined the ICON course union to explore more into the program and to interact more with 

second years (classmates and friends). My main goal is to decrease any communication gaps between 

the second year students and the course union. Please feel free to communicate any feedback, concerns 

and ideas of any course and/or the program to me. I hope this academic year goes smoothly for all. I 

look forward to plan fun events and socializing with all of you!


Fourth Year Representative:
Abigail A. Welch

Our program of International Economics and Finance is for sure the best! Being on the executive board with such a great team is the best idea Ive made since choosing Ryerson University and ICON. This year i commit to helping all my ICON peers of all years of study in any way they wish of me in conjunction with our team to bring you many fun and amazing events. I believe in working hard and playing even harder. "Once an ICON, always an ICON"


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